Which type of pump should you buy?

Posted on: 24 May 2021

You might think that buying a water pump is a simple process, but that only applies if you already know what you want to buy. When you visit your local pump supplier, you will find Davey water pumps, and pumps by other manufacturers, and you will notice that there are many types of pumps. To decide which type of pump you should buy, you must think about how you will be using the pump. A related question that you must also address is how the pump will be powered. You could opt for an electrically driven pump or an engine-driven pump. There will be circumstances when one is the obvious choice, and times when either would work. Consider carefully before making your choice, since a pump should be a long-term investment for your property.

Do You Want to Transfer Water?

Perhaps, you have been collecting rainwater in a tank and need a way to move the water closer to your premises? Whatever your reason for transferring water between two locations, a water transfer pump is a perfect solution.

Do You Want a Firefighting Pump?

Firefighting is one of the most common reasons to buy a pump, especially if you live where bushfires are common. Firefighting Davey water pumps are designed to run on an independent power source, such as petrol, since main electricity will fail during a fire. If home protection is the main reason you are buying a pump, you should be able to quickly secure a firefighting pump, but other types of pump can be more difficult to identify.

Do You Have Hazardous Materials to Move?

Water is the most commonly pumped liquid, but there are plenty of times that you want to pump other liquids. Pumping chemicals, effluent, and even salt water can damage some pumps. Before making a final decision you must check the specifications of your chosen pump carefully, and perhaps invest in a chemical resistant pump if you must move corrosive liquids for agricultural or industrial reasons.

Are You Worried About Debris?

If you are emptying water from a tank, it should be clean. If you are taking water to drain a building site or marshy area, you can't be sure of the state of the water. The water could contain dirt or debris that could harm traditional Davey water pumps. If you are concerned about solid material blocking your pump, why not considering buying a dewatering pump instead.

For more information about davey water pumps, contact a pump supplier near you.



How to Construct a House

Hello, my name is Lisa and this is my blog. I live in Perth, Australia and for the past two years, I have been working on my home to improve it. My husband works away a lot, so the upkeep of the family home is completely in my hands. At first, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. Thankfully, my brother works as a contractor and knows about electrical wiring, plumbing and general construction. He gave me some great advice so I decided to start this blog so I could pass on his wisdom to others. I hope you enjoy my blog.

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